Sydney Fleet Review 2013

On 4 October 1913 the flagship, HMAS Australia, led the new Royal Australian Navy Fleet comprising HMA Ships Melbourne, Sydney, Encounter, Warrego, Parramatta and Yarra into Sydney Harbour for the first time. This was a moment of great national importance, one recognised as a key indicator of Australia’s progress towards national maturity. 100 years later, The International Fleet Review was held in Sydney from 3 - 11 October 2013 to commemorate the centenary of this historic event. Both events were cheered on by thousands of cheering citizens who lined Sydney Harbour foreshores to catch a glimpse of the fleet and to celebrate. The Australian Naval Fleet and visiting warships rendezvoused in Jervis Bay on 1 October 2013. Visiting tall ships entered Sydney Harbour on Thursday and on Friday 4 October 2013 - exactly 100 years after the first Royal Australian Navy Fleet entry, all warships powered through a sparkling Sydney Harbour to seal 100 years of proud and distinguished history.
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